Petfood Specialities | We contribute your business!

Bogusia Dziedzic

+386 40 325 702

Creator of numerous pet food products introduced to the market and recognized expert in the field. Consultant and advisor for R&D and Marketing Departments of pet food producers. Specialist in pet food category management, product positioning, quality testing, technological know-how, and legal compliance.

Mariusz Dziedzic

+386 40 325 703

Petfood production engineer and designer of several production line in europe.
Expert for petfood business optimisation and restructuring, specialised in enhancing efficiency. Constructor and Designer of production lines. Designer of innovative die-plate and cutting system for extruders.


Whether you’re seeking advice on recipes, process line design or simply want to optimize your business effectivnes, we’re here to help.

Don’t hesitate to reach out! Schedule a consultation and embark on a journey towards your success. Let’s chat about pet food today!