Business optimization
Complete business optimization program ensures that we pay attention to every business activity. This approach allows your company to boost efficiency, align and secure proper resources, become more flexible and achieve excellent results.
Processes play a critical role in helping companies achieve their goals by aligning all resources behind well thought through strategies. We provide a full audit of all production processes and key performance indicators from technology and equipment, critical production points, raw materials analysis to organisational and employee efficiency evaluation. Our robust recommendations and know-how transfer will help you gain a strategic advantage in your market segment.
Verification audit
Every day, the production of wet or dry petfood brings new challenges. The production process is based on many of natural raw materials, which can introduce many variable factors. The quality of raw materials has a huge impact on the smooth-running of the production process.
By optimizing production, you can keep costs control and generate financial profits. Well-organized production lines, trained operators, checked raw materials and optimized recipes are the key to success in the petfood industry. We are sure that the manufacturers of dry and wet petfood are experts in their field and know exactly what to expect from their factory. Despite this, problems can often accumulate and become unmanageable.
If you’ve investigated all options and still haven’t found a solution, we can help.
Simply invite our specialists to a Verification Audit. Working together with you, we will develop a plan for visiting your factory. We will listen to all your questions, audit the production line, check your quality assurance documentation and examine the recipes you use. All this with the aim of finding solutions to your problems. Thanks to our extensive practical experience, we are confident that we solve any typical problems and non-standard issues successfully. We conduct an in-depth analysis of all the factors with consistent error verifications and then provide you with a list of corrective measures.
We can identify the weak points in your production process or recipes formulation and then present a plan showing you the right direction to help you resolve the crisis.
After the Verification Audit, you will receive a detailed report with an analysis of the problem. Verification Audit report lists which aspects have failed and which need to be improved. The report also includes a List of Actions that will help prevent the problem from. Thanks to the data from the report, you will know which actions is required to take. In the next step, we can help eliminate problems and optimize recipes and the production process.

Maximum cost reduction
Every production facility is a complex environment. Production cost structures are wide-ranging and cover equipment, raw materials, technical services, utilities, employment, marketing costs and depreciation. Successful manufacturing requires seamless coordination and cost control so that the production of wet or dry petfood is profitable every day. Sometimes a minor mistake or lack of appropriate knowledge is enough to increase production costs beyond the planned, acceptable level. High costs are often hidden for a long time and only come to light during a general inventory. Unfortunately, in such cases it may already be too late to react. Despite many tons of product produced and good sales figures, the business does not generate the expected profit, and worse still, it may even incur losses.
If you are experiencing these types of problems, we can help you optimize your costs. After performing a tailored verification audit, we will implement a cost cutting plan, according to set priorities. Firstly, we will deal with the problems that cause you the most financial losses. We will then perform an in-depth analysis of the costs involved in every part of your business. This applies to the production process, raw materials and their prices, recipe costs, the factory employment structure and use of media. We have experience in this field and can eliminate unnecessary and excessive costs. Thanks to our knowledge and advice, you will be able optimize your entire production process, your recipes, and the price of raw materials. We can help by identifying better production methods, providing contacts to sources of cheaper raw materials and optimizing recipes. Recipe optimization is particularly important in the production of dry petfood. A common mistake is to calculation recipes to 100%, which results in huge losses of raw materials. By working quickly and effectively, we can help your business. Thanks to our practical knowledge, we know how to reduce costs in areas that often go unnoticed.

Supplier acceptance audit
The production of wet and dry and wet petfood is not only merely about what goes on in the factory. There is also a great deal of off-site work involved, concerning suppliers of raw materials, equipment or utilities. If you run your business in a strategic way, you already know how important it is to match the suppliers’ offer to your needs. Ineffective machinery, a sub-optimal production line or poor-quality raw materials can cause an avalanche of problems in your factory.
There are thousands of suppliers in the petfood industry, and it is often not easy to identify the ones that provide the best-quality solutions according to the needed technology. We have experience in selecting the required equipment and raw materials for the required technologies and can help present your specific needs and requirements to the supplier.
We can connect you with the right suppliers who will provide you with the solution and product you expect. We can also find you new suppliers or research the ones you would like to work with but are unsure about their qualifications. Our solution is a supplier acceptance process.
We will visit the supplier’s premises and audit their production line, no matter whether it involves raw materials or equipment. If you prefer, we can perform the audit together with you and your team to give you greater insight into the supplier’s own production process.
We will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the supplier and the product they offer. We can also help you with the commercial negotiation process. If your potential supplier does not meet your requirements, we will implement an improvement program so that the product can more accurately meet your business requirements. You can be an active participant in the supplier’s development and acceptance program in each case. Understanding a different production process will allow you to adjust and organize the production of petfood in your business even more effectively. At the same time, if you share your experience with the supplier, they will also be able to better understand your requirements.
We strongly believe in establishing long-term relationships with suppliers. Building partnerships and exchanging knowledge and experiences is of great benefit to both parties. Healthy business relationships allow for development but are also very helpful in solving potential problems. We summarize the supplier acceptance process and audit in a report that details the supplier’s key characteristics, the specifications of the product they offer, their strengths and weaknesses, and a list of potential opportunities for joint cooperation and development.
Tender evaluation
Every new project in a wet and dry petfood manufacturing facility involves investment and the related budget planning. If you’re planning on building a new production line or upgrade an existing one, you probably have countless offers from your suppliers on your desk. Thanks to our extensive practical knowledge, we can help you find your way through these hundreds of offers. We will help you understand the differences between the products offered, their features, specificity and the resulting quality and price consequences.
Our expertise means you can make significant savings even at this early stage in the project. We will highlight exactly what equipment, raw materials or solutions you need, eliminate unnecessary elements and dispense with unnecessary investment costs.
We will prepare a professional request for quotation and send it to your potential suppliers. Because we use the same set of questions, the offers received will be consistent and easy to compare. We will perform a full analysis of the content and price of all the offers we receive. We will eliminate unnecessary elements and enquire about additional items if required.
We can also work together with you and your team to evaluate the offers and invite suppliers to present their offer as part of a company presentation. At this stage, we can ask the relevant questions and act as a moderator during the presentation and negotiation process. We can organize a meeting at the supplier’s headquarters and combine the visit with an audit of their production line. We have excellent contacts and relationships with many suppliers to the petfood industry. We will help you avoid the risks involved in working with an unverified supplier. We will perform a comprehensive analysis of offers and present you with a final report.
By eliminating unnecessary elements, we can reduce your project costs at this very early stage. We can assure you that all working processes are completely transparent in our work. We are not a sales representative for any supplier. We will work only for you and in your interest.
You can’t go wrong with us!
Whether you’re seeking advice on recipes, process line design or simply want to optimize your business effectivnes, we’re here to help.
Don’t hesitate to reach out! Schedule a consultation and embark on a journey towards your success. Let’s chat about pet food today!