- Premium die plates & knives
Our excellent extrusion die plates are exclusively made from tested and trusted steel to adhere to pressure, size and other extrusion conditions. We share
our expertise and additionally offer open space calculations, flow measurements, shape proposal as well as product density and texture advice for free!
Petfood Specialities extruder die plates offer flawless designs that guarantee very long working life we are very proud of.
Final product quality is defined by fine details such as a knife quality. We offer outstanding quality steel knives. Only this modern and more efficient technology can replace your existing handmade knives and secure desirable quality
of extruded products.
Even the best equipment has its limits in working hours before it finally breaks down. When it does, we are ready to equip you with compatible finest quality spare parts.
We are committed to help you ensure continuous production process to meet your deadlines while maintaining high quality of both knives and die plates.
We care for your return on investment in our technical support and R&D service.
Whether you’re seeking advice on recipes, process line design or simply want to optimize your business effectivnes, we’re here to help.
Don’t hesitate to reach out! Schedule a consultation and embark on a journey towards your success. Let’s chat about pet food today!