- Solving quality problems
When you’ve carefully crafted your product through extensive research and development, successfully launched it to market, and then suddenly discover that things haven’t gone as planned. For example, there are quality problems related to the stability of the product (rancid or moldy), or animals do not want to eat it, or in the worst case, animals have digestive problems after consuming the product.
You check the process, but nothing seems to have changed throughout the entire process since the product was launched.
What can you do in such a situation?
Contact us.
Throughout our many years of working in this field, we have encountered many different quality problems at different production stage. Some arise as a result of primary source irregularities or when introducing changes over time. Every problem has its cause, which we can identify by performing a detailed analysis of each stage of the product manufacturing process.
Our specialists will carry out a professional audit. We will find the source of your problem and resolve it. As part of the analysis, we can recommend other/better optimization solutions that will improve the quality of your product. These solutions will also demonstrate opportunities for potential savings. The solutions we offer are intended to ensure the quality and stability of your product on the market, are consistent with nutritional guidelines and reflect market trends. The aim is to provide a safe and high-quality product that our four-legged friends will all enjoy.

Whether you’re seeking advice on recipes, process line design or simply want to optimize your business effectivnes, we’re here to help.
Don’t hesitate to reach out! Schedule a consultation and embark on a journey towards your success. Let’s chat about pet food today!